Speaker: Patrick Berner, PT, DPT, RDN
CEUs: 4 Contact Hours (4.8 CEUs for Alabama Licensees)
We all know the saying, “You Are What You Eat.” But, do we ever think about our patients with that in mind? That what they eat could be influencing their overall health and even their rehab outcomes. Because in reality nutritional intake does affect the human body in how it recovers, ages, and becomes at risk of developing chronic diseases. With that said, nutrition should be considered as a principal component to patient care and integrated when necessary and appropriate.
This course will provide you as a practitioner with the resources and skills to appropriately implement nutritional concepts into patient care. Including many important factors along the way, such as determining nutritional needs among different populations, navigating professional scopes of practice, and using a patient’s readiness to change to provide the right kind of evidence-informed nutrition education at the right time.